Agent smiling and shaking an insureds hand

An independent agent gets to know you and your insurance needs.

When purchasing insurance, you may have many questions such as:

  • How do I know what type of insurance I need?
  • How much coverage is the right amount?
  • What is the right insurance company for my lifestyle?
  • If my needs change, who will be able to help me?
  • Do I purchase insurance through an agent?

Insurance companies – sometimes referred to as carriers – have different structures and use different types of sales agents. Understanding your options can help you decide which type of insurance company is right for you.


Independent Agents

The Cincinnati Insurance Company works exclusively through independent agents. These agencies can be traditional or online, working with many insurance companies to provide different coverage options.

Independent insurance agents earn money from the companies they partner with. They have their own employees and run their own businesses. Agents are responsible for covering their own costs. They are truly independent business owners, who work with you to find the right coverage to protect all your assets.

When your insurance needs change, an independent agent can help you find the best coverage at the best price. They can compare different options available to you. This way, you can ensure that you are getting the most suitable insurance for your current situation.

Independent insurance agents are highly trained professionals with local knowledge of the risks in their community. This helps them give good advice on insurance and be there quickly if something bad happens to their customers. This is why we offer insurance products only through independent agents.


Direct Writer

Direct writing companies are common, selling insurance directly to customers rather than working through agents. The main benefit of working with a direct writer company is that you can get insurance quickly online.

Insurance may be less expensive because the direct writers do not incur the expense of maintaining agencies. However, guidance is limited. The person buying insurance is responsible for determining adequate coverage limits and making sure there are no coverage gaps. This might not be the best fit for people who don’t recognize insurance gaps or those with complicated insurance needs.


Captive Agents

Companies that maintain an agency you can visit in person have their own “captive” agents. The agency primarily represents one insurance carrier.

Captive agents are employees of that carrier and are knowledgeable about their products. However, you may want to find other agents for quotes to make sure you’re getting the best plan for you. You could have insurance needs that the carrier cannot cover.


While there are multiple factors to consider when buying insurance, understanding the different insurance models can assist you in deciding which type might be best for you and your family.

This loss control information is advisory only. The author assumes no responsibility for management or control of loss control activities. Not all exposures are identified in this article. Contact your local, independent insurance agent for coverage advice and policy service. 

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