Couple meeting with an agent

Local independent insurance agents specialize in making personalized plans for your home and auto insurance needs.

When you meet with an independent insurance agent, they can give you the best advice on coverage options. This advice relies on the information you provide about the items you want to insure. Before you meet with an agent, an important step is to gather specific information on your home and auto. This will help ensure that they can offer you the right coverage and will make the process smooth and efficient.

Items to bring when meeting about car insurance

For each vehicle:

  • Make, model and year
  • Vehicle Identification Number
  • Average annual miles driven

For each driver:

  • Age
  • Driverā€™s license number
  • Driving history ā€“ accidents/violations
  • Safe driving courses completed
  • Good grades that may qualify a student for a discount
Family admiring a new car

Additional auto coverages to discuss

Market value for collector cars

If you have an upscale or collector car, you can consider an agreed value insurance policy. With this type of policy, you will work with the insurance company to decide on a fixed value for your vehicle that the insurance company will pay if it is totaled. Know the current market value of your upscale or collector vehicle so you can discuss an agreed price

Original Equipment Manufacturer parts coverage

Additionally, talk to your agent about OEM parts. OEM coverage provides additional car insurance that guarantees only original parts are used for repairs on your vehicle. This type of insurance maintains the value and performance of your vehicle.

Items to bring when meeting about home insurance

  • Copy of your current homeowner's insurance
  • Home address and location of any secondary properties
  • Year your home was built
  • Possessions in your home
  • Age of your roof
  • Unique features (ex: pool, detached garage)
  • Number of drivers in your household
Beautiful suburban home

Home insurance deductible options

You have some flexibility when it comes to deductibles for your home insurance, such as paying a lower premium but with a higher deductible. Think about how much you are willing to spend on claim payments. Knowing how you want to structure your payment will help the agent determine deductibles and premiums that fit your budget.

Higher deductibles can reduce your premiums. However, you should avoid selecting deductibles that are excessively high. High deductibles may lead to financial difficulties. Be cautious when choosing your deductible amount.


Notify your insurance agent of changes

It's also important to update your agent about any changes throughout the year when your policy renews. This will help to ensure that your insurance policy remains current and accurate, avoiding any gaps in insurance coverage.

Items to update with your agent:

  • Sold/purchased autos or homes
  • Renovations to your home that could increase the value
  • Newly licensed drivers
  • Drivers who are no longer members of your household or a college student who no longer has access to a family auto
  • Newly purchased items of high value such as fine arts, jewelry, musical instruments or collectibles


When your policies renew, look them over to make sure they are accurate and that you didn’t miss notifying your agent of changes. To find an agent representing The Cincinnati Insurance Company, please visit our Find An Agent locator.

This loss control information is advisory only. The author assumes no responsibility for management or control of loss control activities. Not all exposures are identified in this article. Contact your local, independent insurance agent for coverage advice and policy service. 

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