Financial Strength Ratings

Financial strength allows us to better serve and protect our agents, policyholders and shareholders. Our commitment to all three is how we fulfill our pledge, leading with strength and service.


Cincinnati Financial Corporation A.M. Best Fitch Moody's S&P
 Corporate Debt a A- A3 BBB+


Cincinnati Financial Corporation A.M. Best Fitch Moody's S&P
 Insurer Financial Strength
 Property Casualty Group
 Standard Market Subsidiaries:
  The Cincinnati Insurance Company A+ A+ A1 A+
  The Cincinnati Indemnity Company A+ A+ A1 A+
  The Cincinnati Casualty Company A+ A+ A1 A+
 Excess and Surplus Lines Subsidiary:
  The Cincinnati Specialty Underwriters Insurance Company A+ -- -- --
 The Cincinnati Life Insurance Company A+ A+ -- A+

A.M. Best A+ Superior badge

A.M. Best, an independent provider of insurer ratings since 1899, awards its A+ (Superior) financial strength rating to Cincinnati's property casualty group. Only the top approximately 12% of property casualty insurer groups receive A.M. Best's A+ or A++ ratings in the Superior category. Best cites the group’s superior risk-adjusted capitalization, conservative loss reserving and operating fundamentals, along with favorable balance sheet liquidity, growing use of predictive modeling and successful distribution within our targeted regional markets. Our life insurance subsidiary, The Cincinnati Life Insurance Company, also receives Best's A+ (Superior) rating.

Please select the A.M. Best icon to see the most recent rating reports for each company.


Fitch Badge

Fitch Ratings cites Cincinnati's conservative capitalization, well-managed reserves and strong agency distribution system in awarding its A+ (Strong) insurer financial strength rating to the standard market property casualty and life insurance companies.

Please select the Fitch Ratings icon to see the most recent rating reports.

Moody's Investors Service badge

Moody's Investors Service affirmed its A1 insurance financial strength rating of our standard market property casualty group. Moody’s cited ratings strengths including our regional and increasingly national franchise, which benefits from strong relationship with independent agents; sound reserves; low financial leverage; robust capital adequacy; and substantial holding company liquidity.

Please select the Moody's icon to see the most recent information.

S&P Global Ratings


S&P Global cites characteristics supporting its A+ (Strong) rating, including Cincinnati's very strong capitalization and strong competitive position, which is supported by a very loyal and productive independent agency force and a low-cost infrastructure.

Please see S&P Global Ratings' rating report for the most recent information.

Ratings are under continuous review and subject to changes and/or affirmation.

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