Secure your goods and materials with Cincinnati crime insurance

You can customize Cincinnati’s crime coverage forms to protect your business against employee theft, burglary, robbery or fraud. These forms cover losses of money, securities and other tangible property, and coverage options are available under both management liability or commercial package policies. Your independent agent can help you choose the coverage features and limits specific to your business needs. 
Business owner entering verification for fraud prevention

Insure against these types of crimes

  • Employee theft of money, securities and other property
  • Forgery or alteration of your checks or other promissory notes
  • Theft, disappearance or destruction of money and securities from inside your premises
  • Robbery or safe burglary of tangible property other than money from inside your premises
  • Loss of money, securities or other property outside your premises while in possession of a courier or armored motor vehicle company
  • Computer fraud: using a computer to steal your money, securities or other property
  • Funds transferred out of your account because of fraudulent instructions to your bank
  • Counterfeit money orders and counterfeit money
  • Social engineering fraud involving scams committed by bad actors to trick unaware employees into giving away your money, securities or tangible property by using email, phones calls or other means
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