
Protecting yourself and your family is your first priority in the aftermath of a catastrophic event. When your auto, home, business or personal property is damaged or destroyed by a tornado, hail, flood or other destructive event, focus on people first.

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Does your emergency preparedness plan include a generator? Whether you’re facing a public safety power shutoff in California due to red flag wildfire conditions or an ice storm, heavy snow or hurricane that downed power lines or another manmade or environmental emergency, it’s a good idea to be ready for power outages.

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Although certain areas are more susceptible to earthquakes than others, no matter where you reside, prepare your family to take the appropriate actions. Earthquakes come without notice and can happen while you are at home, at work or traveling.

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If you live near a fault line, you likely are no stranger to tremors or other earthquake activity. Preparation may be an ongoing process for your family.

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The Federal Emergency Management Agency and related government organizations urge all Americans to create a disaster plan to help cope with earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, wildfires and other disasters.

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You don’t have to live in California to experience an earthquake. The US Geological Society Survey indicates the New Madrid area (including northeast Arkansas, southeast Missouri, western Tennessee, Kentucky and southern Illinois) continues to produce small to moderate earthquakes and is the most seismically active area of the United States east of the Rocky Mountains. If you live near this area you may have experienced tremors or other earthquake activity.

Preventative Measures:

  • Seismic Shut-Off Device In the event of an earthquake, this device will turn off the gas valve, preventing a potential gas leak.
  • Water Heater Straps Securing water heaters with metal straps is an important measure to help prevent fire, explosion or water damage.
  • Retrofitting – Retrofitting, including wall bracing and foundation bolting, reduces the displacement of a home from its foundation.
  • Create a disaster plan
  • Store flammables in a fire-resistant cabinet and move heavier items to lower shelves.
Two men examining the foundation of a house
Our loss control service is advisory only. We assume no responsibility for management or control of customer loss control activities or for implementation of recommended corrective measures. This content was gathered from trade services and public information and does not identify or address all possible exposures. We do not warrant that this information is consistent with the underwriting guidelines of The Cincinnati Insurance Company and its subsidiaries or with any federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance.
To report a claim: You may call us directly, 877-242-2544, to report your claim and provide us with your claim-related information. You may also contact your independent agent to report a claim.

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