Maintenance worker reviewing an air conditioner

Have your air conditioning system checked before you need it.

The heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system that brought your business through winter will also be required to operate reliably during the upcoming summer cooling season. Consider calling your service firm to arrange service and inspection of your HVAC equipment before the summer heat arrives.

Owners of older boilers often ask their inspector: “So, how much longer do you think [the boiler] has to live?” The inspector may respond: “I cannot tell you what day it is going to fail; but I can tell you it is going to be the coldest day of the year; and the boiler service guy is going to be buried with work.” The same is true for air conditioning once the warm weather arrives.


Some Hard Truths with Equipment

  • HVAC equipment  ̶  any equipment, for that matter  ̶  will fail
  • Failures are most likely to occur during times of high stress when equipment is most needed
  • Equipment life is best measured in hours of operation, not years of service
  • Repair/service is least available and most expensive during heat waves and cold snaps, when equipment failures peak and demand for repairs and services exceeds the available labor; after all, everybody’s equipment seems to fail at the same time


Before the cooling season starts, ask your HVAC provider to:

  • Inspect all electrical connections, heat exchangers and drains
  • Check refrigerant levels and make sure there are no leaks
  • Lubricate moving parts
  • Inspect and test thermostats and controls, watching for overheating
  • Check for good air flow

And remember to check the filters. Clogged filters restrict air circulation in your environmental system, reducing efficiency and costing you more in energy expenses. Replacing a dirty filter is like putting money in the bank.

This loss control information is advisory only. The author assumes no responsibility for management or control of loss control activities. Not all exposures are identified in this article. Contact your local, independent insurance agent for coverage advice and policy service. 

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