What Services Are Available?
NRMC’s experienced team of nonprofit-savvy advisers can help your nonprofit identify and manage risks that threaten your missions and operations, while empowering you to take bold, mission-advancing steps.
Complete your registration with NRMC to receive real-world tools proven to produce results, without cost to you:
Self-Assessment Tools
The backdrop to any enterprise lies in the details. Make sure yours hit the mark.
- Take My Risk Assessment to identify gaps and get expert recommendations designed to strengthen your risk management strategies.
- Visit My Risk Management Policies to draft custom policies for your organization. In minutes, use an intuitive policy-building web app – with more than 170 templates covering 22 topics – to create fit-to-suit policies on topics from human resources and information technology to client safety and more.
- Access My Risk Management Plan to create a custom risk management plan that meets the needs of your unique organizations.
It’s that easy: take an assessment, let the experts guide you and come away with a plan built for you.
Risk Resources
Because we all learn and process information differently, you'll receive varying forums of expert-created material:
- Access a library of 50+ recorded educational videos, helpful infographics and practical articles.
- Subscribe to RISK eNews to receive weekly risk management insights.
- Find answers to top-of-mind questions on topics from pandemic response to managing volunteers and more.
How Do I Sign Up?
As a Cincinnati Insurance policyholder in the nonprofit sector, you are eligible at no additional cost for full access to a custom risk resource portal, built for you.
Visit Nonprofit Risk Management Center’s registration page to sign up. Simply click Register, complete the portal registration form – including your Cincinnati policy number – and click Submit. Please see instructional videos at the bottom of this page.
Contact your local independent insurance agent representing Cincinnati for information and to find out if this service is a good fit for your organization.