It’s hard to predict what could go wrong when disaster strikes, whether it’s a natural disaster, human-caused hazard, technology disruption or health emergency. Without an effective business continuity plan, the magnitude of what can go wrong can put your business at risk of diminished reputation, operations and income – there’s even the potential of closure.

Our experienced loss control specialists can help you understand the business threats you face with a method for prioritizing them for improved control. Our Threat Matrix allows businesses to prioritize your threats to improve controls to develop a business continuity plan.

According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, 25% of businesses do not open again after a disaster. The SBA urges business owners to identify risks relevant to their locations and develop plans to address them.

Our loss control service is advisory only. We assume no responsibility for management or control of customer loss control activities or for implementation of recommended corrective measures. These materials were gathered from trade services and public information. We have not tried to identify all exposures. We do not warrant that this information is consistent with Cincinnati underwriting guidelines or with any federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance.

The selection of a particular service provider is the independent choice of the policyholder. Service providers are not affiliated with The Cincinnati Insurance Companies. Cincinnati and its employees make no warranties and assume no liability for services, products or loss control measures provided by service providers.

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