Hundreds of insurance companies have websites. Many are designed to sell insurance directly to consumers like you. While this may or may not lower their costs of selling you a policy, it could eliminate two of the most important benefits of buying insurance from an agent:
- Getting personal service from an insurance professional, and
- Finding hidden risks that could cost you tens of thousands of dollars when a loss isn’t covered.
We quote and sell our policies only through independent agents — skillful individuals trained at identifying risk and customizing insurance policies to the needs of each client. Independent agents choose among several different insurance companies’ policies when they place your business. They know that all policies are not alike nor are the insurance companies that stand behind your policies equally strong. The professional agent’s job is to find the proper balance of protection and value that suits your individual case. You may not gain this major advantage if you order a policy offered through a mass mailing or an insurer’s Internet site.
While other insurers may appoint large numbers of agents, Cincinnati chooses to serve you exclusively through a select group of agencies that perform as the premier insurance organizations in their local communities. Contact your local independent agent representing Cincinnati for a quote.
If you are a current home, auto, business or life policyholder seeking routine service such as address or coverage changes or forms, please contact your local independent agent or send us an email.