Past actions often predict future behaviors

Knowing who is behind the wheel while on the job – and about their driving status and history – is one of the most significant ways you can reduce losses within your fleet operations, whether your employees are driving company or personal vehicles.

That’s why Cincinnati joined with Embark Safety. Through innovative MVR risk management solutions, Embark can help you reduce the likelihood of auto accidents, improve road safety and protect your organization’s bottom line.


What services are available?

You can reduce driver risk, encourage a safety-positive company culture and protect your organization by ensuring that only licensed employees with acceptable driving records get behind the wheel while representing your company. Embark has two programs – offered to Cincinnati policyholders at preferred rates.

What is it?

Driving records are an important source of background information on anyone who will operate motor vehicles on behalf of your business. Being able to quickly access MVRs online during pre-hire and hire checks, CDL annual compliance and insurance renewals can help you:

  • Hire qualified employees with safe driving records
  • Maintain safety protocols and minimize risk
  • Protect your brand reputation and bottom line
  • Reduce employer liabilities and vehicle accidents
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What is included?

MVR Online provides Cincinnati policyholders with:

  • Access to online driving records in 48 states1
  • Instant turnaround for most states2
  • Automated MVR checks for annual, semi-annual and quarterly pulls
  • Affordable fees and volume discount
  • Customer support team to assist you at any time

1Pennsylvania and Washington excluded; MVRs for these states must be obtained by working directly with the state.

2Hawaii and Ohio policyholders will get results within 3 hours.

How do I get started?

As a Cincinnati Insurance policyholder, you have easy access to MVR Online. You'll receive exclusive pricing and volume discounts. For service, additional information and pricing specific to your business, complete this contact form on our partner page.

What is it?

Driving statuses can change at any time. The Embark Safety program helps you easily monitor your drivers’ records in real-time for negative changes – providing email alerts regarding license status, convictions, DUIs, accidents and more – to continuously help you:

  • Mitigate risk and protect your brand
  • Reduce gaps between regular MVR checks
  • Identify those that shouldn’t be driving
  • Reduce vehicle accidents and employer liabilities
  • Save time, money and avoid surprises
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Checking MVRs regularly is a great step. Continuous monitoring helps ensure nothing – and no one – slips through the cracks.

What is included?

The Embark Safety platform is a one-stop driver risk management solution. Embark Safety’s MVR technology connects to state DMVs to continuously check driving records. Drivers are automatically scored based on their risk level. Features integrated in Embark Safety’s program include:

  • Real-time notifications
  • National MVR assessment
  • MVR smart driver scoring
  • Reminders on driver file expirations
  • Driver file portal
  • Online fleet driver training
  • E-MVR consent form
  • Customer success specialist

How do I get started?

As a Cincinnati Insurance policyholder, you are eligible to access the highest level of countrywide monitoring at preferred rates. For service, additional information and pricing information specific to your business, complete this contact form on our partner page.

Our loss control service is advisory only. We assume no responsibility for management or control of customer loss control activities or for implementation of recommended corrective measures. These materials were gathered from trade services and public information. We have not tried to identify all exposures. We do not warrant that this information is consistent with Cincinnati underwriting guidelines or with any federal, state or local law, regulation or ordinance.

The selection of a particular service provider is the independent choice of the policyholder. Service providers are not affiliated with The Cincinnati Insurance Companies. Cincinnati and its employees make no warranties and assume no liability for services, products or loss control measures provided by service providers.

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