Term With Return of Premium Guarantee
Cincinnati Life's Termsetter ROP combines the advantages of our Termsetter policy with a return of premium feature. Your client's base premiums are returned at the end of the guaranteed term period provided the policy is in force and the insured is still living.
Key Features
- Guaranteed level death benefit
- Guaranteed level premiums for duration of specified term period
- Three term periods: 20-, 25- and 30-year
- Avocation and occupation ratings available on Standard Plus underwriting classification
- Issue age based on the applicant’s actual age versus nearest age
- 20-Year: 18-60
- 25-Year: 18-55
- 30-Year: 18-50
Your client has valuable options at the end of the guaranteed term period:
- Receive a refund of all base premiums (rider and substandard premiums are not returned)
- Convert the policy, or a portion of it, to a permanent policy without proof of insurability (base premiums are still returned)
- Purchase a reduced paid-up term policy
Termsetter ROP for Business and Personal Needs
Termsetter ROP can provide the necessary funds to help your clients with:
- Mortgage and loan protection
- Education expenses
- Key-person protection
- Loan collateralization
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