Time for a Change
Term life insurance is a great way to provide your clients with affordable coverage for an immediate need. But term coverage is temporary. After the guaranteed term period, premiums increase annually and could become more costly than your clients prefer, leaving them unprotected should they choose to discontinue coverage. While their Cincinnati Life term policy is still in force, your client has the valuable option of converting that coverage to a permanent plan.
Advantages of conversion:
- Requires no medical underwriting; current health issues aren't a factor
- Locks in future rates for the life of the policy
- Allows partial conversion; insureds may transition term plans as budget and needs change
Conversion Guidelines
With Cincinnati Life’s term conversion program, you can offer clients the ability to convert an existing term policy to a permanent plan without additional underwriting. Our program allows conversion to a range of permanent products based on the length of time the existing policy has been in force.
Policies within the first five years of the contract date are eligible for conversion to:
- LifeSetter Flex UL - issue ages 18-70
- Heritage UL - issue ages 1-70
- Guaranteed Whole Life - issue ages 1-70
Policies past the fifth contract year may be converted to:
- Pivot UL - issue ages 5-70
- Guaranteed Whole Life - issue ages 5-17
- Pivot Whole Life - issue ages 18-70
Consumer Materials
- Securing Lifelong Coverage - Brochure
- Choosing the Right Direction - Brochure
- Protection for Future Generations - Brochure
- Life Insurance Policy Review - Brochure
Learn More
Learn more about Cincinnati Life advantages and other available products.
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