Custom Coverage for you & Your Business

Business Continuation

Having a structured course of action can prepare you for management succession, ownership transition, contract fulfillment and more if a business owner dies. Life insurance, available through The Cincinnati Life Insurance Company, can help ensure success of your business continuation plan by providing necessary funds for a smooth ownership transition. A properly funded plan:

  • creates a market for a deceased owner’s share of the business
  • establishes the price and terms of the sale
  • prevents the ownership of your business from transferring into the wrong hands


Key Employee Protection

Certain employees are critical to your business operations and profitability. Key employee life insurance can protect your livelihood as well as the incomes of your remaining workers by providing:

  • readily available cash to hire and train a new employee
  • security for extra expenses or lost revenue resulting from the loss of a key person
  • assets to contract a worker for assistance to fulfill immediate needs


Executive Benefits

Effectively attract, retain and reward key employees with high-quality Executive Benefits packages. A properly constructed executive benefits package can provide a blend of employee incentive and tax deductibility using life insurance as the vehicle.


Employee Benefits

You can increase employee satisfaction and retention by offering low-cost, portable life insurance through our Voluntary Payroll Deduction Program. As an employer, you benefit because you can expand your benefits program at no direct cost to you, while helping to reduce turnover and improve productivity.


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